How to Detect Keylogger on Android – Tutorial

 Let’s now admit, smartphones are really amazing pieces of technology. Nowadays, smartphones are here to carry out different things such as communicating along with friends, listen to music, play games, capture photos, as well. Android is right now the most famous mobile operating system and its right now powering millions of smartphones. In this article, we are going to talk about How to Detect Keylogger on Android – Tutorial. Let’s begin!

Smartphones, today, are actually more than a device used for communication. They are sophisticated devices that save a lot of powerful, personal, and sensitive information of their owners as well. From photographs to documents, the information contains in a mobile phone is actually enormous. No doubt that mobile devices have become the primary target of hackers and cybercriminals. It has become really important for mobile phone users to aware of cyber threats and alerts to make sure their security not compromise.

Cell phone spy software (i.e. spyware) has also become one of the greatest threats to the privacy of your mobile data and also the functioning of your mobile phone. Unbeknownst to many users, these apps are now able to access your text messages, e-mail, call history, location, and you can also record your voice calls in some instances. Now, these apps can easily install on your phone without even your consent. Or, mostly, you install them without knowledge of all of their functions. That said, knowing about the presence of spyware and how you can remove it is necessary for all end users.

What is Android Keylogger? | how to detect keylogger on android

Well, just like computer keyloggers, Android keyloggers are nothing more than a piece of software that was there to record your keystrokes actually. Hackers can also install a keylogger on your smartphone silently or remotely and it will grab all of your data from your smartphone. Such as text messages, call logs, save notes, browsing details, passwords, etc.

Hackers mostly attempt to push keylogger through keyboard apps. So, we now recommend you to stay away from third-party keyboard apps and stick along with the stock one.

Keyloggers basically come in at least two broad flavors—hardware devices and the more familiar software variety. Hardware devices can actually embed in the internal PC hardware itself. Or be an inconspicuous plugin that actually secretly inserts into the keyboard port between the CPU box and also the keyboard cable. So that it intercepts all the signals when you type. However, that means that the cybercriminal has to have physical access to the PC when you’re not present in order to plant the hardware keyloggers actually.

Read MOre: How to Detect Keylogger on Android
